What Makes Sprouted Grain Bread Different From The Rest?

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As growers of wheat and other grain increasingly convert to organic growing methods, the availability of organic bread is growing. This has led to different varieties that many consumers are unfamiliar with, such as sprouted grain bread. If you're not sure why these breads demand a higher price than their plain flour counterparts, these four reasons make reveal the bread's true value.

Increased Availability of Nutrients

Wheat and other grains used for bread making are packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are hard for your body to extract, even after grinding and baking. Sprouting at least some of the grain before it's ground or mashed for making dough increases the availability of Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and much more. While the boost isn't huge, it's still a valuable difference when you're trying to get as much nutritional value from each meal. Vitamin content has been known to improve by over 300% through sprouting, although few organic breads are made only from sprouted grain.

Greater Ratio of Amino Acids

Vegetarians and vegans in particular may want to choose sprouted grain breads over other carbohydrate sources and sandwich ingredients. Since sprouting works well on all grains and many legumes, most sprouted breads feature a wide variety of different sprouts mixed into the loaf. This means that there's likely a complete combination of amino acids in the mix, which must be achieved through the blending of grains and legumes. If you're on a diet with limited or no meat and animal products, a sprouted grain bread with both legumes and grains could help you meet your nutritional goals.

Lower Carbohydrates and Starch

While low carbohydrate diets are falling out of favor with nutritionists, there are still proven benefits to controlling the amount of carbs you eat for lower weight and better insulin response. The grains consume some of the starch inside each seed as they sprout, reducing the total carbohydrate amount. Breads made with a significant amount of sprouted grains and legumes are lower in total carbs than other breads, allowing you to enjoy sandwiches and breakfast toast without cheating on your diet.

Higher Enzyme Levels

Finally, the grains also release enzymes like amylase as they sprout. Fans of sprouted bread claim that these enzymes make it easier for the human digestive system to break down the grains regardless of their form. There's not much proof either way if this is true, but it is supported by many anecdotal claims that it doesn't create gas or bloating in people who are sensitive to other types of bread and baked goods.

Get in touch with a company like Klosterman Baking Company to learn more.
